Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thanks Rachel

Thanks to Rachel I have a much cuter blog. It's still in the works, but Rachel can work wonders! I know she's made the rounds and I appreciate her taking some time to help me figure out this new world! Thanks again Rachel!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Anti V-day

My husband is the luckiest guy in the whole world today!! Why? you ask? Well because I HATE Valentines Day! Please no flowers, candy, etc., etc. I think it's ridiculous to celebrate love one day a year. I went to the grocery store last night and literally every man in that store was walking out with flowers or balloons. Come on! Where's the thought! Cheap flowers and balloons from Albertsons to show someone how you feel? Give me a break! Anyway, enough of my tirade on V-day. I love my husband every day, not just one day a year!!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

No Sick Days

I truly love being a mom but there are some days when you wish you could call in sick! Today was one of those days. Not that it was anymore hectic than any other day, crying babies, troublesome 2 year old, know-it-all 5 year old, laundry, dishes, messes, etc., etc.,. All you moms know what I'm talking about. Anyway, one of these days I will call in sick! I just don't know how. Any advice???

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Zakary's Blessing

Today we had Zak's blessing and it was so nice. Michael did a great job, as always, and it was so neat to have so many of our family members there. I had to save 3 whole long pew's to fit everyone! Jordon and Kyle also blessed Attison today so it was a family affair. I am so greatful for Michael and his priesthood and the love he has for his family. I also am so glad that all of my brothers, with the exception of 1 in the mission field, we're there and able to help. Matthew caught Zak in a good mood and this is our first picture of him smiling! Check out those dimples!

Friday, February 1, 2008


This blog thing is new to me and I feel like I have to post something exciting everyday. Well not that much exciting happens to me, I'm quite a boring person. The kids are doing good and we're trying to get into a schedule. We will be blessing Zakary on Sunday and look forward to all our family being there. Jeffrey is adjusting to being a big brother and his favorite new phrase is "Just a minute mom". I wonder where he picked that one up. Mike is working harder than ever and I appreciate everything he does for his family.