Thursday, July 31, 2008


Jeffrey got dressed all my himself! His shirt and pants are on backwards, and the pants are too short, but he did it and he was so proud!
My boys playing together!

I love blog-hopping and getting ideas! I saw a blog where she spotlighted each one of her children in a different post. I thought that was so good so I am going to start with JEFFREY.

Jeffrey is 2 1/2 and is a ball of energy. He was a very good baby and was always very active and excited to play with his brothers and sister. He has developed quite a personality. He is a troublemaker and can be naughty, but he knows how to sweeten things up. He has this cute face, this big green eyes with long eyelashes, and chubby cheeks. When he knows he's in trouble, he looks at me with that face and sometimes it's hard to stay mad. He's done really well adjusting to his little brother Zakary. And I love that Zak is getting old enough that they can actually start to play. Most often the play results in Jeffrey laying on top of Zakary or trying to share his fruit snacks. But I think Zak loves it. Jeffrey loves to watch movies, especially Toy Story or "my Buzz and Woody" as he calls it. He also loves to snack. Today I came downstairs to find him eating my Costco size bag of chocolate chips. He said, "Mommy, these are my favorite!" Lately Jeffrey has been coming up and giving me kisses on the cheek or saying, "You're my best friend." I love my Jeffrey and even though he can be a challenge sometimes, I look forward to every new challenge with him.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I'm retarded! Breaking Dawn gets released August 2nd which is Saturday. So the release party at Borders is Friday night the 1st, not Thursday. So plans are still the same, just one day later. Sorry for any confusion, I am just slow.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I decided to make the Girls Night Out in conjunction with the "Breaking Dawn" release party. We're going to meet at Marie Callendar's on Stephanie at 9:00 for dessert and then go over to the release party at Borders. I'd love everyone to come. Put the kids and husbands to bed and let's go have fun! Call me or let me know if you want to carpool out there. See ya Thurs! Go Edward!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Girl's Night Out

So I am in desperate need of a Girl's Night Out. There are a couple of serious chick flicks out. "Mama Mia" is out now and "Sisterhood 2" is coming out next week. I'd like to get a bunch of girls together to go see a movie and get some dinner or ice cream or something. Let me know if you are interested and I'll try to get it all arranged!

Friday, July 25, 2008


You Are Aurora! (A.K.A. Sleeping Beauty.)
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Thoughtful and loving. Authority figures probably have been sheltering you all of your life. Thankfully you're a very tranquil person who is content with what life has given you, but secretly you want to know how the outside world works.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Yeah, I don't know about this one. Aurora is Sleeping Beauty right? So that would mean that I actually get to sleep a lot? Although it would be nice to take a nice long nap once in a while.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The 4 C's (or my attempt at being creative)

1. Crawling - So Zak has decided to crawl, earlier than any of the other kids! He's 7 months now and is not content unless he's moving around. So much for hanging on to my last one, he's the most anxious to get big like his big brothers and sister! Where is the fairness in that, my baby is getting big!

2. Crying - You may be confused by the label for the picture. Jeffrey is 2 1/2 and is definately got the terrible thing down. He was crying while I was getting the camera for this picture, but in true Jeffrey fashion, he stopped when he saw I was taking his picture and put on his sweetest little smile! Little stinker!

3. Cute - Livvy just finished her first tap class and loved it. We tried soccer, but she is a dancer at heart and takes it so seriously and does pretty good. So there will be more pics of her dancing then trying to play sports. I was a girly girl when I was little so I guess I shouldn't expect anything less of Olivia.

4. Creative - Matthew got his first guitar this month and started a class. He plays for hours every day and has started writing his own songs and music. For a 9 year old, he does pretty good. He writes his own lyrics then puts the few chords he knows down and puts it all together. Notice that he's even growing his hair out like a true rocker. I thank my awesome husband for his guitar talent and for sharing that with Matthew. Hopefully someday Matthew can play the guitar while Olivia sings in a ward talent show or something. (We can have dreams right?)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Over the July 4th weekend the Cecil Family went on a reunion/vacation to the Courthouse Inn in Junction UT. It is actually a renovated courthouse and in the first pic is Sydney and Jeffrey playing judge in the real judge's desk with gavel and everything. In case you haven't ever heard of Junction (I never had until last weekend) it's about 35 miles north of Panguitch. It's a small town with 1 gas station/mini-mart and 1 grocery/convenience store. Anyway, we had a blast and I actually remembered to take lots of pics! We rode 4-wheelers and barbecued, made s'mores, lit fireworks (even a few illegal ones, thanks to Uncle Brandon) and just hung out. The weather was great and it was nice to get away from the Vegas heat for a few days. Anyway, thanks to my mom for always getting a wild idea in her head. This one turned out great! Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good News

No one wants to look at a blog that is boo-hoo and depressing all the time so this time I actually have good news to post! My husband was gone for 3 weeks and officially moved back in yesterday. Which is huge and significant because today is the 11th anniversary of our engagement. We crossed a huge bridge and I am so grateful that the Lord answers prayers. Not in the way or in the time that we want them, but He gives us the answers exactly when we need them. And that is exactly what happened. Not that I expect everything to be perfect all of a sudden, but it's definately a step in the right direction. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your comments, concerns and prayers. I have definately felt them and it has given me great strength to know how much love and support I have. We're taking off this week for a fun family vacation with ALL the Cecil's (32 of them to be exact including 3 infants) so hopefully I'll remember to take some pics and can post a much more fun post next time! Thank you again! I have such great friends and family!