Thursday, December 18, 2008

We do live in the desert right?

As I've been looking at everyone's blogs, you all sound so excited for the snow! Well, I'm not! There is a reason we live in the desert and it's because I HATE snow and wet and cold. All of which we had yesterday! But I put my Grinching aside because the kids were so excited. I have lived in southern Nevada most of my life and I have never seen this much snow! They even cancelled school today! I'm sure CCSD has never had a snow day before. Because of the aforementioned desert-dwellers, my poor children were very ill prepared for the snow. Not a mitten or glove to be found. But that didn't stop them. They put on several pairs of pants, shirts, and socks and headed out to get freezing wet but had a blast. I bet if I tried hard enough, I might remember what is was like to be a kid! So thankfully this time the camera had batteries and I got some great pics of what is probably a once in a lifetime snow in Henderson!


Katie said...

I can't believe how much it snowed there! We were expecting snow but it didn't happen. We were bummed. I loved all your posts. Happy Birthday to your boys!

Despain said...

Your house looks like ours! We got about 6 in. of snow and are expecting for throughout the week. I agree with you...I hate it....but I chose to live here and so during the winter season I've tried to enjoy it! Sledding with the kids is fun!