Saturday, November 29, 2008


This year we broke ALL the rules and for the first time in 11 years of marriage, my husband and I did not have Thanksgiving dinner with either of our families. It caused quite an uproar, but we decided it was time for our family to start our own traditions. So this year we also started something new and went OUT for Thanksgiving dinner. It was fantastic. I didn't spent all day in the kitchen. We took it easy, stayed out of the rain, took naps and around 4:00 went Black Angus for our dinner reservations. We got all dressed up (Jeffrey was confused that we weren't going to church because he was in church clothes) and ate out. Olivia and I had the Turkey feast with all the fixins and it was way better than I could have done. Matthew had a cheeseburger, Jeffrey had Mac -n- cheese, and Michael had a big fat steak! Sure is was non-traditional, but it was also very nice and no one had to do the dishes!


becbloggin said...

how fun! i am glad you had an enjoyable thanksgiving.

Natalie said...

Just want you to know that you were all missed.

Eliz said...

I am going to make a goal that in 10 years (the girls will be 14,14 and 16) I am going to take out the entire family (there are only 9 of us)to one of the fancy restaurants in Vegas for a proper Thanksgiving extravaganza -- It might take 10 years to convince my mom but I am going to do it -- way to have more guts than me!!

Katie said...

We've had a few Black Angus Thanksgivings. They are delicious. The only thing missing is the leftovers. It's a trade off for having no dirty dishes. It's a fun change to do something different.

Despain said...

Good for you guys! You asked on my blog if we'd be down for Christmas. Right now the answer is no, but things could change. I will let you know. I saw your parents at my brothers wedding this past Mar. It was good to see them and talk to them.

Claire said...

You go girl!!!! I'm glad you guys had fun.