Tagged 8's...
8 Favorite shows
-Grey's Anatomy
-Cash Cab
-What Not to Wear
-The Office
-Biggest Loser
-Ellen (prior to her marriage, now I don't watch her just to prove a point)
8 Favorite Restaurants
-Claim Jumper
-Cheesecake Factory
-Cafe Rio
-Red Robin
-Pizza Factory
8 Things that happened yesterday
-I got to sleep in!
-I realized how lucky I am to get to see my husband every day.
-Jeffrey went potty in the toilet!
-I made my bed!
-Got a Big Gulp
-I cried
-Finished Breaking Dawn for the third time (I'm a nerd!)
-I watched Ever After (Love that movie!)
8 Things I look forward to:
-Matthew and Livvy starting school (Thank you Track 1)
-My 11th anniversary
-Cooler weather
-Peace in my home
-Going back to school myself
-Saturday soccer games
-Getting our backyard planted
-Eating outside
8 Things I love about Fall:
-Cooler weather! (I agree Katie)
-All the birthdays
-Soccer season
-Candy corns
-Great Harvest Pumpkin bread
-pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
-Shorter days
8 Things on my wish list:
-My husband was always happy
-An island getaway with my hubby minus kids
-Moonlight Sun actually getting published (being a nerd again)
-My kids being healthy, happy and constantly learning
-I didn't have to think about money
-A maid
-I wasn't so lazy
-To be everything I want to be
This was a lot harder than it looks! 8 doesn't seem like a huge number. So here continues the tagging...Alisha (aren't you glad I found you), Carmen, Natalie and Jordon. Have fun!